Suspension Fertiliser Applications
Fine particle and liquid fertiliser spreading
We can ensure you that we will provide your plants with a precise application of any solid fertiliser and lime. Not only will your plants receive the fertiliser requirements they need, they will receive it in a time and cost efficient way.
Services Provided
Suspension Fertiliser Application is a system that has been developed for superior applications of products such as microbiological stimulant liquid trace elements, and finely ground naturally occurring rock based elements such as lime, gypsum, dolomite, elemental sulphur, phosphate rock including a range of trace elements. This product is mixed in a ratio of water, making it the consistency of very thick paint. Because its applied in a slurry form it is spread evenly, going exactly where you want it, minimizing “off target” losses that would be expected when using powders, thus ensuring availability to all plants and not just a percentage. This is proving to be very attractive with huge benefits to plant and soil take up and animal health whilst reducing costs and maximizing productivity.
Suspension Fertiliser includes:
- TracMap GPS Mapping
- Broadspread and banding undervine down to 40kgs/ha
- Row widths down to 2.4 meters
- Bulk cartage
- Simple no mess loading operation
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Suspension fertiliser is not a new thing; throughout Europe and the US it has been used in various forms for many years. We now have a better understanding of how and why it works and a better delivery system but the principles still stay the same.
Suspension fertiliser systems have the ability to provide a wide range of nutrients accurately and efficiently with huge benefits to plant and soil take up. The mixes can be varied to suit individual crops and soil types very easily, providing your particular crops’ with the necessary requirements to maximize productivity. Products include microbiological stimulant liquid trace elements and finely ground naturally occurring rock based elements such as lime, gypsum, dolomite, element sulphur and phosphate rock.
Accuracy – Suspension fertiliser systems have superior advantages over the traditional fertiliser, the first being accuracy. If you were to apply cobalt at 50gms per hectare, which is enough to maintain cobalt levels, and there are 50 granules to the gram, then you must apply 2500 granules over 10000 square metres which equates to one quarter of a granule per square metre or 0.005gms per square metre. This is very hard to do with a bulk spreader but if you dissolve it in water and spray it on it becomes much easier. With suspension fertiliser products are mixed in a ratio of water, making it the consistency of very thick paint. Because it is applied in a slurry form, it is spread evenly, going exactly where you want it, while minimizing the “off target” losses that would be expected when using powders.
Efficiency – The other major advantage of suspension fertiliser comes down to basic physics. We all know that soil microbes are responsible for turning fertiliser to plant food. It takes a fixed amount of energy to make a fertiliser granule into plant food. In traditional fertiliser we have relied on the microbes to supply the energy required to break down the fert and this seems to be a big ask for a little bug to dismantle a particle many times its own size. But by fine grinding the fert first we can supply a lot of the energy requirement ourselves while increasing the surface area dramatically allowing more microbes access and saving them a lot of work at the same time. This is why suspension fertiliser is so efficient at supplying nutrients to the plants. We are merely doing some of the microbes’ work for them… “It is a lot easier to eat a steak than a whole cow!”
Cost Effective – Another advantage is an obvious one, freight costs; 100kgs is less expensive to cart than a 1000kgs. Also to name a few other advantages – dust free applications, accurate deposits and cost efficient. free applications, accurate deposits and cost efficient.
Skilled Operators
All our work is undertaken by experienced operators … this is a point of our success and something we pride ourselves in.
If you require further support to care for your development, contact us for our contract services.
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